1) First thing when planning an event is to decide who would host the shower, where it would be located, and what date/dates would work for the hosts. My mom and sister are hosting my shower and the date we chose worked for the location and half of them, my sister. The other half my mom had already planned a vacation on that weekend, however she will only be a few hours away to drive into town for that day to help plan, decorate, clean, and organize for the shower. So, the date August 9 and location, my community clubhouse was reserved for the shower.
2) The next thing was to decide on a theme. When we found out we were expecting and I knew I would be due in the early fall, I wanted a barbecue/cookout food shower. I love cookouts during anytime of the year especially during the summer months. You know I have this love affair with watermelon and I don’t/won’t pass up a good burger. Having a BaBy Q or Barbecue themed baby shower was a must.
3) Once the theme was set and a invite was created by yours truly. The next thing on the to do list was deciding on a guest list and actually registering for the shower. Who did we want to invite? Of course we invited family, friends, and we also invited friends from church and our jobs. Once the guest list was finalized we sent out invites 5 weeks before the date of the shower with a RSVP date of a week before the event. Where did I want to register? I wrote a blog post on my registry experience and I’m excited about how my registry came together. I placed items there that were needed and some wanted. I specified to purchase larger size clothes from 3-6 month and up.
4) Next on the list is Food, Games, and Prizes/Favors. My mom and my sister have been collaborating on the prizes and favors. They have some great Barbecue themed prizes and favors purchased and I can’t wait to share how the shower came together in a few weeks. As far as food, you know it’s going to be the typical barbecue food, burgers, hot dogs, etc. We may also do some chicken and vegetable skewers as well as some seafood options for those who aren’t meat friendly. A must is a fruit salad with watermelon and of course for dessert cupcakes and Blue Bell ice cream. If you are going to have ice cream it has to be Blue Bell. Games is the hardest part of this decision as you want your games to match your theme. Also, because this barbecue shower is co-ed you want the games to be male friendly. I’ve decided on three games that will keep everyone busy and entertained while they are munching on potato salad, baked beans, and hot dogs.
5) Prepping for the baby shower – the next two weeks I’m in preparation mode for the baby shower. Making sure all the details of the menu are finalized and the games are printed. The most important task is making sure the RSVP’s come in on time. If you are like me calling/texting/face booking to make sure people will show up for the shower. The most difficult of this all is making sure my guests have a place to rest their heads when they come. Both of our families and friends will be traveling from out of town to Charlotte, and the first question is always where will they stay. Of course we can host and hold many people in our home, but we want to make sure people are comfortable. We have 3 extra bedrooms, two with beds, and one that can house a blow up mattress (in the nursery). We also have couches upstairs and downstairs and floors everywhere lol. As my husband likes to tell me often we have no problem with hosting a large group of our family and friends. I understand and want to make it comfortable for my family and friends who drive to help us celebrate Maxwell.
Keep the Faith!
Until next time,
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