Tuesday, June 03, 2014

30 for 30! Happy 30th Birthday love!

Yesterday was my husband Brandon's 30th Birthday. Preparing for his birthday has been a month long task. He was gifted on May 2 this poster pictured below stating that he was going to receive a gift everyday until his 30th Birthday. I was successful at accomplishing this tedious task.

On his birthday I have him his final gifts. I also made his favorite meal I cook lol brown sugar crusted salmon, garlic spinach, sweet cinnamon potatoes, and made a carrot cake with cinnamon cream cheese icing for dessert. Below are pictures from the evening.

Below is a list of the 30 items he received for his birthday.

1. Book - 30 things you should do before you are 30
2. Redskins Man Cave sign
3. Maryland State Flag
4. Umbrella
5. Onesie for our son that says "My dad is a superhero"

6. Car seat covers
7. Car seat mats
8. Shooting range coupon
9. Something special for us :D
10. Foot pillows
11. Camera tripod

12. 32gb SD cards
13. Double shower heads
14. Book - Shred diet Dr. Ian Smith

15. Redskins Pennant for man cave
16. Redskins utility gloves for cutting grass
17. Redskins sign for man cave
18. Wireless Bluetooth with speaker for car
19. iPad camera connector
20. Black stainless steel wedding band
21. My first bible book for our son

22. My first nursery rhymes books for our son
23. Obey the rules Redskins sign for man cave
24. Kevin Durant custom Basketball sneakers

25-29. Nautica shirts to match new KDs
30. Lamborghini ride - his dream car and "his best birthday gift ever"....his words not mine.

I love my husband so much and I wanted to do something special to show him how much he is loved and appreciated especially as he turns 30.

His final 30th birthday gift will arrive in September and he will receive the title as dad again. I'm so excited to see him father our son and for our family to be complete.

Keep the Faith!

Until next time,


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