Maxwell means Max's spring or well or capable
Immanuel means God With Us
God was truly with us this last week of the beginning of his life. On Tuesday, I went to training for work and ended up leaving before lunch because I felt bad and like I was having some contractions. The uneasy feeling didn't end after laying down so I called Brandon and asked him to come home to drive to me to hospital. We got to the hospital at 1:45pm, and I was in so much pain the immediately rolled us into triage and began checking for Maxwell's pulse. They couldn't get a strong one so immediately I went into the operating room for an emergency c-section. That's all I remember until I woke up on Wednesday afternoon.

Long story short my placenta had erupted or separated from my uterus and my uterus was contracting to stop from bleeding internally. The bleeding was stopped and I was airlifted to another hospital for another surgery and additional monitoring. Maxwell was recessitated when born, and immediately started breathing on his own. He has shown great progress since last Tuesday, but he still is premature and we don't know the long term effects of him not receiving oxygen for some unknown period of time. But we are faithful and grateful for my life and his life. God truly smiled on both of us last week and we can't give him enough praise!

As for me and my recovery I'll share in another post the details, but I'm getting released from the hospital today and will be home as long I can be and definitely the entire time he is in the NCIU.
I will have time to blog more about my journey as a new mom, NICU experience, and journey from breast pumping to feeding my baby boy.

He is here and we thank God for our miracle our rainbow baby!

Keep the Faith!
Until next time,
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