You are 3 months old today. Where did the time go? You are growing like a weed and making us proud. You are teaching us patience and showing us the true meaning of unconditional love. We love on you, pray for you, talk and speak life to you daily. You make our days better. You have been in daycare for 3 weeks now and are adjusting gracefully. We are still battling reflux and know that it soon will pass. We complained when you were a month old stating “why doesn’t he cry”. And boy did we ask for it! You let us know how you feel, when you feel, and why you are feeling by your cries. Sometimes we know how to soothe you other times we don’t, but we are all learning together. You weigh 13 lbs and 8 oz. You are rolling over from your stomach to your back. You are now sucking your hands and thumbs. You love your pacifier or wubbanub. You love Jazz music and laying on your belly. As we enter Flu and RSV season I pray that God continues to shield and protect you from germs and viruses. We are thankful that you are meeting milestones and developing where you should be, and excited for what this next month will bring.

I love you forever!
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