Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Baby Name Reveal

I can be honest and say I've had a list of names picked out since we lost BJ and Brielle. Every time I found or heard a name I liked or loved I would document it in my notes on my iPhone. Choosing a name for your unborn child is the hardest task during pregnancy just like trying on clothes only to find out they don't fit anymore. A name has great meaning and will be with them for the rest of their lives.

We found out the gender at 14 weeks and were excited about coming up with a list of names. I already had a list of about 30 names picked out and sent them over to my husband. He only liked one of them, Judah. So, he took control of the naming process and came up with two other names we agreed upon Langston and Maxwell. My mom and sister were also heavily involved in our naming process. They would text me their name choices and I would take them back to Brandon. My sis, Brandon, and I even spent our entire dinner one evening discussing name combinations and meanings.

Our narrowed down name choices were Langston, Maxwell, and Judah. All have great meanings and are strong names. The next hardest part after deciding a first name was a middle name. Does it have to be a family name? Does it have to be as strong as the first name? We thought of a few combinations with the names above, but one middle name kept sticking and that's Brandon, my husbands first name.

We finally decided to name our baby boy Maxwell Brandon McAfee.

Project I worked on this past weekend you will see the final results when I finish decorating the nursery.

I'm excited we finally decided on a name. I talk and pray for and to Max everyday and call him by name. Brandon and I make sure we say his name when referencing him in conversation. Naming Max made it real that I could/would actually get to bring a healthy baby home. I have not really processed how that would feel, but I'm ready to experience the joy of holding, kissing, and loving on Max.

Keep the Faith!

Until next time,


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