Then when I was ready to leave the house the car wouldn't start. So, I was stuck in the house all weekend with no way to get around. My husband was in Smithfield to preach at our new church. We needed a new starter and was able to get it fixed, but it opened our eyes to wanting/needing a new reliable vehicle. Since we will be traveling to Smithfield every week we need something fuel efficient. Bye bye SUV. Hello hybrid sedan. We will see what we end up purchasing as we are both well overdue for a vehicle with less mileage. Very exciting but way too many options to make a sound decision.
Max is growing, kicking, moving, and squirming. I love it when he kicks. There is no greater feeling than feeling life move inside of you. I'm so anxious to meet him. We have begun planning our baby shower and I can't wait to share. Onto month 6!

How far along? 22 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain/measurements: 2lbs this week, 16 lbs total
Maternity clothes: Yes, I’m wearing my Bella band from Target. I busted out the few maternity clothes I own. All of my larger shirts are getting tight.
Stretch marks: None new
Sleep: 8-9 hours.
Best moment this week: Maternal fetal medicine specialist being pleased with my cervical length that hasn't changed in 6 weeks.
Miss anything? Wine and Sangria lol
Movement: Yes, lots of movement as he grows.
Food cravings: watermelon and frosted flakes
Anything making you queasy or sick? Red sauce gives me acid reflux, but I love it! Tums are my friend lol
Gender: Boy
Name: Maxwell or Max
Labor signs: None
Symptoms: None
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to:. My cousins wedding this weekend during Father's Day weekend. Vitality next week will officially be 24 weeks.
Keep the Faith!
Until next time,
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