My mom unselfishly gives her time, energy, money, and love to everyone who is in need. She always does things to perfection and any event/cookout/gathering that she plans will be done with style and grace just like she.
I love that God continues to use her in all that she does and the people she comes in contact with. She has grown to love social media to keep up with family and to spread the gospel. She always encourages, always inspires, and always loves unconditionally just like Christ would. She always gives me an encouraging word at the right time. My mom has that discerning spirit and I love that about her.

My mom says I’m strong after my experiences with child loss, but what she doesn’t realize I get my strength from her. When my father passed away when I was 14, she never stumbled and stayed strong during the preparation, funeral, and burial process. Although I know she still had her moments of grief and times she broke down, she wanted us to remember the good times with my dad. We did exactly that, she kept tapes of my dad’s voice so we could hear it anytime we wanted. My mom kept my sister and I grounded and on a routine throughout middle/high school/college while treating us like the princesses my dad would have wanted. Her strength and resilience through losing her first husband is what I admire and why I continue to press on in my journey to have children. She went on to finding love and married my step father Fred. She turned her “God why me?” into “God why not me?” I am forever grateful for my mom’s example of strength through tragedy.
There are so many things I can say about my mom. I appreciate her more and more the older I get because of the morals and Godly values she has instilled in me to make me the woman I am today. Her other birthday gift will arrive in September and I can't wait to make her a grandma again.
Happy Birthday Mom! I love you!
Keep the Faith!
Until next time,
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