Thursday, June 19, 2014

It's Bump Day! Week 23 Pregnancy Update!

Week 23 has been great. I traveled home to attend and be apart of my cousins wedding. I was on my feet way too much all weekend that they started to swell. Needless to say I learned my lesson and will remain hydrated on long trips and take my time to sit and rest. My mom gave me some bigger pants for work and offered to purchase me some larger/extra large shirts for work. I definitely need them as I'm larger than I was at 23 weeks 2 years ago. I feel like I'm 8 months pregnant versus 6 months. Lol. Maybe it's in my head but I'm happy Max is growing and moving.

My cervix is still long and hasn't changed in length around 2.7-2.9cm. This is great news and a blessing to know I can continue on throughout my pregnancy without bed rest being an option. I'm praying that I make it to 37 weeks without any major changes and go into my csection with a long cervix.

Next big event is 4th of July weekend spent in DC. My hubs Brandon says the fireworks on the National Mall are the best in the world. I'll be the judge of that. Onto week 24 which means that I've reached vitality and the baby if born would have a 50% chance of life. Of course I want to make it to 37 weeks but 24 weeks is my first milestone since having a cerclage.

How far along? 23 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain/measurements: 2lbs this week, 18 lbs total
Maternity clothes: Yes, I’m wearing my Bella band from Target. I busted out the few maternity clothes I own. All of my larger shirts are getting tight, need to invest in XL or maternity shirts.
Stretch marks: None new
Sleep: 8-9 hours only with preggo pillow.
Best moment this week: spending time with family at my cousins wedding.
Miss anything? Wine and Sangria lol
Movement: Yes, lots of movement as he grows.
Food cravings: watermelon and frosted flakes
Anything making you queasy or sick? Fish smells. Red sauce gives me acid reflux, but I love it! Tums are my friend lol
Gender: Boy
Name: Maxwell or Max
Labor signs: None
Symptoms: None
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: Moody this week had issue at work that made me upset.
Looking forward to:. Traveling to DC for 4th of July. My birthday July 17 I will be 28 weeks going into the third trimester.

Keep the Faith!

Until next time,


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