Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Pregnancy and Beating the Summer Heat!

No doubt Summer time is here. With record temperatures and humidity rising above 90 degrees Fahrenheit its undoubtedly the worse time of the year to be pregnant. Pregnancy and the summer time brings two issues for me dehydration and swelling. I personally don’t want to be waddling around thirsty and swollen so I have three (3) goals in mind to combat the summer heat.

Goal One: Stay Indoors! Staying indoors in an air conditioned home is how I plan to beat the summer heat and also putting my feet up to alleviate swelling. The great thing about the summer time is being able to wear breathable clothes and maxi dresses. I’ve already added 4 maxi dresses to my collection to help stay cool. I plan to do some outdoor activities, but they will only take place in the morning or evening when the temperatures are cooler. While indoors the goal is to organize, clean, and prepare for baby. We are swapping rooms with our current nursery and my husband’s office. His current office was our original nursery and we switched it around when we lost our first born BJ. I thought that switching it back would provide us more room to add a queen size bed for guests (my mom or mom in love) or for us to sleep on while we adjust baby Maxwell to his crib at night. This is my major goal for the summer while staying indoors.

Goal Two: Stay Hydrated! Being dehydrated can lead to preterm labor and we want baby Maxwell to continue to flourish for 12-13 more weeks. I plant to combat hydration by drinking plenty of fluids including water and to minimize my salt intake. Minimizing salt intake combats water retention. I plan to also eat as many fruits and vegetables as I want. I love watermelon! I plan to take full advantage of the ripeness of fruits and vegetables that are rich in water this summer. Being in the water (i.e. going to the pool) will also help swelling, and works well with women with a history of high blood pressure during pregnancy like myself. We have a community pool in my neighborhood and I will take full advantage of it this summer.

Goal Three: Stay Focused! Being focused on a set goal is what will also keep me motivated during the summer. My goal is 37 weeks gestation and a September due date. Although we haven’t picked the due date/C-section date, I know that getting closer to Labor Day September 1, September 11, and the first day of fall September 23, are goals/dates to help me stay focused on bringing Maxwell home. Fourth of July, my birthday July 17, my BFF’s Bridal Shower and my Baby Shower (more details next week) in August are all keeping me focused. After August I know I’m going to be in full nesting mode, finalizing touches on the nursery, packing baby and hospital bags, and most importantly staying out of the heat.

How do you plan to beat the summer heat pregnant or not?

Keep the Faith!

Until next time,


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