How far along? 24 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain/measurements: 0lbs this week, 18 lbs total
Maternity clothes: Yes, I purchased another Bella band from Target. All maternity clothes are in full rotation. Praying my shirts make it through the summer for some reason I feel like I'm gonna be humongous.
Cervical length: 3.2-3.3cm Very long and looking great!
Stretch marks: None new
Sleep: 8-10 hours. Preggo pillow and without.
Best moment this week: my grandma coming home from the hospital after surgery. Thanks be to God for pulling her through.
Miss anything? Wine and Sangria oh and Mimosas lol
Movement: Yes, lots of movement as he grows.
Food cravings: watermelon, coffee, and chocolate
Anything making you queasy or sick? Red sauce gives me acid reflux, but I love it! Tums are my friend lol
Gender: Boy
Name: Maxwell or Max
Labor signs: None
Symptoms: None
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy finally received my annual pay raise at work.
Looking forward to:. Traveling to DC for 4th of July. My birthday July 17 I will be 28 weeks going into the third trimester.
Keep the Faith!
Until next time,
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