Thursday, June 26, 2014

It's Bump Day! Week 24 Pregnancy Update!

This week marks a major milestone in pregnancy for me. Being 24 weeks gestation means that my baby boy Maxwell has reached fetal vitality, meaning that he could live with some assistance outside of the womb if he is born now. This is a milestone because during my last pregnancy at 18 weeks when I went into pre-term labor the doctors wouldn’t/couldn’t do anything to help my baby girl. Yes, as hard as it is to type this in the OB/GYN world a baby born before 24 weeks has no chance at life and doctors won’t even try depending on the babies size. When I went into labor I knew that my baby girl Brielle was still living inside of me but knew once she was birthed that she would not live. My doctor told me he couldn’t do anything to save her life because she was too small. Brielle was only ½ lb or 8oz when she was born. Knowing that Maxwell has a chance at life gives me hope. I have 13 weeks left in this pregnancy and I want him to continue baking, moving, and squirming in my womb. My hope and prayer is that he is healthy and I can bring him home with me. Such a simple thing to ask God for, but it’s my hearts biggest desire as I look forward to September.

How far along? 24 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain/measurements: 0lbs this week, 18 lbs total
Maternity clothes: Yes, I purchased another Bella band from Target. All maternity clothes are in full rotation. Praying my shirts make it through the summer for some reason I feel like I'm gonna be humongous.
Cervical length: 3.2-3.3cm Very long and looking great!
Stretch marks: None new
Sleep: 8-10 hours. Preggo pillow and without.
Best moment this week: my grandma coming home from the hospital after surgery. Thanks be to God for pulling her through.
Miss anything? Wine and Sangria oh and Mimosas lol
Movement: Yes, lots of movement as he grows.
Food cravings: watermelon, coffee, and chocolate
Anything making you queasy or sick? Red sauce gives me acid reflux, but I love it! Tums are my friend lol
Gender: Boy
Name: Maxwell or Max
Labor signs: None
Symptoms: None
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy finally received my annual pay raise at work.
Looking forward to:. Traveling to DC for 4th of July. My birthday July 17 I will be 28 weeks going into the third trimester.

Keep the Faith!

Until next time,


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